Spare a thought for Boulmer....
Dawlish wrote:
On May 7, 9:12 pm, Dawlish wrote:
On May 7, 7:43 pm, Joe Egginton wrote:
Scott W wrote:
On 6 May, 17:58, Dawlish wrote:
.....and other East coast locations. While most of the rest of the UK
basked, Boulmer and other unfortunate locations close to the North Sea
shivered. A 12.4C max and a wind off the sea. Brrr.
I'd book the next flight there if I could. This sunny weather is
'orrible. Roll on December...
A man cut from the same cloth has me !
Joe Egginton
175m asl
Crackin' day today in Boulmer. 13.4C max....but sunny! Scott and Joe;
there's a couple of deckchairs on the prom with your names on! It's
the SW for me! Hardly a cloud in the sky and beautiful warm sunshine.
Paul- Hide quoted text -
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Temperatures over 23C in several locations by midday and the poor NE
coast struggled to 12.5C at 1100 and then the temperature dipped to
12.0C ay midday.
Hardy folk up there!
I'm glad that there's a good breeze today to keep me from thawing out
too much !
Joe Egginton
175m asl