It's That Insane
[removing alt.politics.bush]
I make models all the time, real and virtual. I even have a model shop.
No, you don't.
You confused Model Theory with Mathematical Modelling, remember?
No I didn't. I said 'start here'. You are confusing words and phrases
with mathematical expressions, relations and equations. They're just
words. The question is rather, exactly what are words anyways, and how
can we quantify words such that we can build equipment to analyze them?
Hmm, there are at least two possibilities:
1) you had some profound reason why you suggested I started learning
mathematical modelling by reading something totally unrelated and
unusable in modelling
2) you just confused two areas of mathematics
Ockham says 2)
Would it be possible for you to share a research paper you wrote?
Everybody here knows who I am and what papers I wrote on what subjects.
I don't! Please, post some links to your papers, pretty please ...
The big question is, who are you, and what have you done lately?
I am a nobody.
I would
be especially interested in your work on solid state. Actually you
surprised me - I had been wondering wheter kT is a refrerence to
statisticical physics - and what do you know! it is! So how much energy
do you actually hold? You should be carefull with these things - you
blew up once, it may happen again.
You know, there are machines that correct word spelling errors.
Really? I must get myself one of these ...
Yes, I did happen to have a little blow up at the Ultimart once.
Does that make you uncomfortable, to be around someone like me who has
lived the greater portion of my life in the wilderness, and demonstrably
has run around with one of the roughest crowds in the Atlantic Ocean?
Thanks God I am NOT around you. But if I were I'm sure I would be very
uncomfortable. Now take your medication.
You know, that place out there where there are no laws, only outlaws?
And your one of those outlaws ... wow ... tell me more!
Start with the leaves, every fall. You know about trees, right?
Yes I do. I count tree-rings if I can't sleep.
You done killed da tree fer money. You think that makes you a tough guy?
Watch out for the gorillas.
I am! You won't be alble to get close.