On May 20, 11:05 pm, Robin Nicholson
On Wed, 21 May 2008 04:43:29 +0100, "Dave R." wrote:
Are we in for a good week next week or not? I suppose one would
not even hazard a guess I thought there were some good people willing to
stick teir neck out here but it seems Will of Tor has disappeared
Next week can sort itself out - I have a big open air event on
Saturday in Dorset and I am trying to gather some info on that!
I have been monitoring the jet stream since someone post this link
http://virga.sfsu.edu/gif/jetstream_norhem_00.gif here.
What seems to be happening is that a strong jet running over the
Mediterranean is collapsing, and a new jet is building up which is
running through Scandanavia. If this continues, then instead of us
being in a polar air mass, we will be in a sub tropical one. This is
spoken with all the confidence of one who has been monitoring the Jet
Stream for almost two weeks now :-))
Cheers, Alastair.