France - it's all getting a bit much, now...
On 27 May, 13:33, Kate Brown wrote:
On Tue, 27 May 2008, Natsman wroteHere in south central France we seem to be caught beneath a jet streak
emanating from north Africa. *This has chucking up bands of torrential
rain with embedded thunderstorms for a couple of days now, and is
becoming a tad tedious. *Last year was a pretty poor summer here
(apart from the thunderstorms, that is...), and so far this summer is
panning out to be considerably worse. *Everywhere is sodden, although
the foliage is particularly lush. *I haven't been able to cut the
grass for well over a week, and it is assuming a jungle-like
appearance. *We were in the pool in April last year, but it hasn't
really been warm enough to venture in at all this year so far!
Whereabouts are you - is it the Limousin? *We've been following what's
going on along the Dordogne and it's the same - there doesn't seem to
have been any appreciable period of dryness since, oh, forever...
Before leaving after our last visit in April we carefully set up the
irrigation system for the pots. Fortunately we didn't turn it on. *The
chap who keeps an eye on the garden, simply gives a hollow groan
whenever we ask about the weather.
Kate B
PS 'elvira' is spamtrapped - please reply to 'elviraspam' at cockaigne dot org dot uk if you
want to reply personally
Having a Boltek lightning detector, it's fun to watch these storms
form around Marseille and move northwestwards, dying and rejuvenating
in stages. That's all very well until the power fails, which it does
often. Oh the joys of living in France. Kate B - E mail on its way.