[WR] Aberfeldy - heavy rain, thunder
Greetings to the fine town of Aberfeldy, (was on holiday with a bike in the
area, in somewhat finer weather two weeks ago).
East Leeds now getting major deluge, no thunder as yet.
There will be some interesting rainfall totals today I think!
As a point of interest, are there any parallels with todays situation from
the past?
- bearing in mind Tropical Storm Alex and the warm huimd SE-ly from Europe.
Regards, Dorian Speakman
"Brian Blair" wrote in message
Thunder and Lightning for past hour, sky dark and whizzing past SE. Heavy
rain bouncing 6 inches high off the top of my screen. We are bathed in a
yellow light that is making the greens appear very green.
I am stuck in my wee office, even the housemartins have called it quits
have headed back to the nests.
highland perthshire