{WR} Haytor 29/5/08 (Developments)
"Will Hand" wrote in message
"Will Hand" wrote in message
"Will Hand" wrote in message
"Will Hand" wrote in message
Rapid convective developments taking place over Dartmoor right now.
Heavy rain set in rapidly, big drops and lots of them.
Bright radar echoes to north and east.
Wouldn't be surprised to hear thunder soon.
Torrential rain. Patio under water. Spot reading on AWS indicated 51
mm/h. For a few seconds it was tropical intensity much higher than that.
Coming down in bursts, one minute fairly quiet, the next clattering onto
the velux.
90 mm/h now.
Patio still under water.
Severe weather warning just issued for Devon :-)
Intensity back down now to normal Dartmoor heavy rain levels of circa 10
mm/h, patio water draining away quickly. Still no lightning or thunder.
May be more torrential bursts to come though.
Took the precaution of emptying the gauge before today's predicted deluge to
prevent the possibility of overflow (I read 1800-1800) and yesterday's
measured event total was 31.0 mm.
This raises the possibility of a 250mm+ May month which is more like a good
December total than May.
December average here is 209mm.
Feels tropical outside, sticky and still and dripping wet. Temperature
13.1C, humidity 99%.
You'd really hate this weather Ken :-)
Will (Haytor, Devon "home of the raindrop", 1017 feet asl)