Warm and settled at 10 days.
If you like warm and settled weather - and most do in summer - the gfs
charts over the last day, or so, have been a delight. 5 runs now,
showing an anticyclone over the UK at T240. I feel at least 80%
confident to forecast that much of the UK, but especially the SE will
be under the influence of high pressure in 10 days time (12th June).
Areas under this anticyclonic weather will be experiencing dry,
settled conditions, with little wind and warm temperatures. This
weather will begin before the 12th and we will be in a period of very
summery weather around the 12th.
I think the weather in 10 days time will be very different to the
troughs, rain and severe weather warnings/advisories that are on the
cards for this week. Summer is i cumen in, I reckon!