The Dawlish book of quotes thread.
Dawlish wrote:
I have no idea what is going on here, or why someone would feel the
need to change a perfectly ordinary thread title. I don't even
understand exactly who the comments are aimed at, as the link doesn't
work. I would appreciate it if you would change it back to the
original - "warmth and settled weather at 10 days"; which I think is
looking a decent prediction a day later......but 9 days can be an
awful long time in forecasting!
Paul, might I suggest you switch from using Google Groups and use a proper
news-reader? That way, the threads would work, you'd be able to change the
thread title yourself, and the problems with replies from OE not marking
your postings properly would disappear.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman, not newsboy.