It always could Nick!
Oh no, don't say that. After last year's disappointing, though not a
complete wash-out of a summer, I really am hoping for something more like
2005 or 2006 with long, settled warm spells.
PS Well done getting your Otter Valley summary onto the local BBC SW TV
forecast last night, with David Braine! You've had far surprisingly less
rain than we have here.
I thought nobody had noticed!
The east Devon desert!
The sun's just breaking through. The return of the westerlies this morning.
Much cooler and fresher than of late.
(At 10:40), 15.0°C, RH 74%, DP 10.2°C, 1014.2 hPa (R), Wind 13 mph NW.
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl