{WR} Haytor 8/6/08 {Sunny and very warm}
On Jun 9, 4:48*pm, "Will Hand" wrote:
"Will Hand" wrote in message news:...
Patchy high cloud.
Wind NW F1-2
Visibility 10Km
Temp. 20.8C
DP 14C
Could be the warmest day of the year today?
But ... totally different feel to yesterday, it feels sticky with a marked
reduction in visibility to yesterday. Going to be sweaty doing things
outside today. Still, mustn't complain, it is summer and it is lovely and
Will (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)
Temp 20.7C
DP 16C (10 degrees higher than yesterday!)
No wind.
Visibility 12Km.
Max. was 22.9C (so not warmest day).
Large Cu built up from mid-morning onwards, now cloudy and very humid/sticky
and looks like a shower over the nearby moor.
Not a day for doing much outside as too sweaty, indeed it is nice to come
indoors where it is a very pleasant and less humid 18.1C.
If I closed my eyes I could imagine I was back in my garden in Crowthorne
(Berkshire), but then maybe not, there is no railway or road noise here!
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Sunny and warm, but far from "stunning" today. Humid and enervating
instead, with vastly reduced visibility and increased cloud cover.
Such a change from yesterday, though the temperature is similar.
I've been stuck in a 1970's building all day, where architecture for
the British summer involved having banks of windows, on all 3 floors,
facing South, with no throughput of air and poor, now dilapidated,
blinds and curtains.