We hit 100 today. same thing again....
G"Laptop" wrote:
Okay here we go again. My pool water is now at 86F. Feels like bath water.
Lawn is now brown for the most part. Me and the misses stayed in the pool
when outside. Trying to keep my garden and flower garden alive...
AC stays on from 3am till about 7pm non stop. To keep the house at 75
degrees. Dewpoint is still high...
They say relief will come midweek, what ever that means?...
Actualy with the dewpoint so high. You can't feel the difference from 98 to
100. Just damn hot, we are one step above Hell...
"G" wrote in message
Well it's official, temp gauge for summer 2008 finally hit 100 degrees F
summer hasn't started officially yet... Gonna be hotter Saturday &
Look at the Dewpoint 60's-70's... So damn muggy...
Franklin MA 02038-3411
Yeah, it was hot in RI too and I'm staying right on the bay in East
Greenwich. Cooler now though...