[OBS] Romsey - Saturday 21st June 2008
SYNOP 21/0850Z
03/// 41257 82008 10155 20148 40170 57005 75155
885// 333 83704 87708 88620=
SYNOP 21/1450Z
03/// 41365 81813 10162 20145 40160 57010 76052
885// 333 81706 86709 88620=
EG// 211450Z 18013KT 9999 -RA FEW006 BKN009
OVC020 16/15 Q//// GRN=
wind... S, force 4.
visibility... 15km.
weather... intermittent rain, slight (began 1435Z) after
occasional slight drizzle.
clouds... 1/8 ST fra at 600ft; 6/8 ST neb, base 900ft,
8/8 SC op, base 2000ft.
dry bulb... +16.2C (peak of +18.3C in 2 minutes of sun).
dewpoint... +14.5C.
RH... 90% (keeping things damp).
sea level pressure... 1016.0mb (falling slowly).
rainfall last hour... trace.
rainfall since 0900Z... 0.1mm.
beaufort letters (1350-1450Z)... cdo,c,cro.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)