Latest Met Office wind warnings
wrote in message
There is a risk.... . Humberside (etc)......Gusts 55 to 65 mph
70mph ... the Heading says there is an 80% or greater confidence of
this occuring and is described as Severe Gales.
It seems Gusts now register for Gale definition?
BUT look at a Humberside Airfield TAF
EGNJ 220602Z 220716 22015G25KT 9999 BKN030
PROB30 TEMPO 1016 23025G35KT.
Rather weak! and only PROB30 of a bigger gust than 25KT?
I'm sure TAFS don't show the absolute peak gust but what is the
calculation and rule applied in preparing such a TAF?.
+/- 10kt
ie TAF forecast G50, acceptable range is G40 to G60.