Met Office summer forecast updated
On Jun 25, 4:33*pm, "Dave R." wrote:
"Col" wrote in message
"Dawlish" wrote in message
Dave; what exactly do you expect from our summer?
I think he expects a Mediterranean style climate in southern England.
Apart from in the most exceptional summers, such conditions don't
normally persist for more than a week or so at a time.
Paul and Col
You have the wrong idea of me. Every summer we have is not an averageone
though. Thats my reply.
You are right; for a combination of rainfall, sunshine and
temperature, NO UK summer has ever been average. However, in most of
your messages, you appear to be searching for an above average summer
for the last two of those and a below average one for the first. What
you are wanting appears to be a much better than average British
summer, which is fine; that would suit me too. It's just that a much
better than average summer is, by definition unusual, but you appear
to think that we should get one and you are constantly grumpy in this
"typical" 2008 summer, when we aren't getting one (so far). That
doesn't add up.
What do you want out of a British summer is my question and forgive me
for saying, but what you gave wasn't an answer! *))