Still three days to go, but in the central south of England (say
Hampshire), is this month likely to be noteworthy for being very close
to long term average on all three counts (temperature, rainfall,
Here in Devon the only 'average' is the temperature. It seems that sunshine
has been above average with rainfall being well below average. And with the
closing days probably having reasonably warm nights, even the temperature
could end up above the LTA, which is a big surprise given the type of
weather regime that has dominated this month.
June 2007 was average regarding temperature but opposite to this year with
regards to rainfall (well above average) and sunshine (well below average).
Min Max Mean Rain
June 07 11.1°C 19.6°C 15.4°C (+0.7°C) 135.5 mm 157 hours
June 08* 9.9°C 20.3°C 15.1°C (+0.4°C) 29.6 mm 205 hours
(*1st - 26th).
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl