"Dave R." wrote in message
Learnt sommat by being on this newsgroup then - that average Junes in the
south and I guess the south east as well are evidently pretty lousy
Well, if you enjoy being able to sleep without sweating like a pig, then an
average June is rather decent. Unfortunately, the 90s and earlier part of
this decade seem to have skewed a lot of people's perception of what
"average" actually means! (NB - not a dig, more a comment on the way 15
years of generally above average summer temperatures has an effect).
Something I never really even reaslised, only a struggling 20C ! my god.
18.7C for Wye in mid-Kent and 20.2C for Greenwich. (70-2000 averegaes,
source: MetO
Must be the early part of the years following 2000 that has caused me to
see normal Junes as brighter prospects when really they are not. So whats
an average July? 21C? with evenings closing in lol
1971-2000 July average highs vary from 22.8C in Greenwich to 21.3C in Wye
and a refreshing 20.1C on the coast at Eastbourne.