On 27 Jun, 16:35, "Martin Rowley"
... based on Hurn data (Bournemouth airport) up to this morning, then
I'd agree with the *temperature* element (+0.1degC/1971-2000 LTA), but
rainfall is currently 72% of average, and sunshine 117%; the latter
figure will be boosted over the final days of the month (nothing too
significant as regards persistent cloud cover expected), and the
rainfall figure may not be added to too much looking at the latest
ensemble output.
Agreed Martin, up here in the Midlands the average June temperature is
+0.1C on the 30-year average, but will still be our coolest June since
1999, so coldest of the century!
Rainfall is 54% of average and sunshine over 120% of average.
Pretty decent to be honest.
Steve Jackson
Bablake Weather Station
Coventry UK