On Fri, 27 Jun 2008 08:17:56 GMT, "jim wilson"
"Peter Hucker" wrote in message
.. .
On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 04:33:23 GMT, "jim wilson"
I look forward to checking out your photos "by subject". Say when.
I have sorted the canon ones.
Better, but if I may be allowed one last suggestion. Certain subjects might
better lend themseves to being presented in "albums" ie. flowers. But I
think most of your photos would benefit from being shown as a series of
photo essays-for example, each of your trips could be presented separately
with some explanatory text. Were I to scan and post the 1.8 Kodak carousel
trays of slides from my 3 weeks in Eng/Scotland over 20 years ago the
subjects would be many and varied but presenting them as a sequential trip
with dates and text would give them a coherence they would otherwise lack.
A lot more work of course and I don't know how deep you want to go into
I don't really have much free time to devote to it. And I can't
remember where a lot of hte older ones came from!
My .02 and I'm sure nothing you have not already considered.
BTW, is that French Theatre a "ruin" or a "folly"? 8-)
I think it's a ruin, but my French sux.
The canon ones are now sorted too.
http://www.petersparrots.com http://www.insanevideoclips.com http://www.petersphotos.com
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