[OBS] Romsey - Saturday 5th July 2008
Bright and breezy with a deep blue sky, half filled with
Cumulus mediocris moving from SW to NE in a hurry.
Most surfaces are already dry after the rain last night,
not that there was much of it. Currently:
SYNOP 05/0850Z
03/// 42480 42116 10160 20122 40085 52010 84230
333 84818 90710 91126=
EG// 050850Z 21016KT 9999 SCT018 16/12 Q//// WHT=
wind... SW by S, force 5.
visibility... 30km.
weather... partly cloudy.
clouds... 4/8 CU base 1800ft, 1/8 AC at 7000ft.
dry bulb... +16.0C.
dewpoint... +12.2C.
RH... 78%.
sea level pressure... 1008.5mb (rising slowly).
24 hour rainfall (04/0900-05/0900Z)... 1.9mm.
max temp yesterday... +19.9C.
min temp last night... +14.7C.
beaufort letters (0750-0850Z)... bc.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)