----- Original Message -----
From: "Dawlish"
Newsgroups: uk.sci.weather
Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2008 11:35 AM
Subject: Springs + Rain + Southerly gales for the South Coast on
Saturday = flooding?
On Jul 5, 10:02 am, Alan White wrote:
On Sat, 5 Jul 2008 01:56:38 -0700 (PDT), Dawlish
Finally a flood warning out and it's for my area.
Hardly 'finally'. It was issued at 15:39 yesterday.
Alan White
Mozilla Firefox and Forte Agent.
Twenty-eight miles NW of Glasgow, overlooking Lochs Long and Goil in
Argyll, Scotland.
Webcam and weather:-http://windycroft.gt-britain.co.uk/weather
First time I'd looked on there Alistair. Even someone with my interest
missed that warning, even though I've looked at the Met Office site
several times.
Flood watches/warnings are currently only available on the EA site
The Pitt review addresses most of what has been discussed on here recently
as Martin alluded to. Section 6 may be of interest if you haven't seen it