Another non-event summer :-(
Dawlish wrote:
On Jul 7, 9:37 pm, David Buttery wrote:
On Mon, 07 Jul 2008 09:04:53 +0000, Norman wrote:
snip the range of temperature in which we feel most comfortable varies hugely
from individual to individual.
And, importantly, depending on what we're doing. I like a temperature in
the high teens if I'm being active, but somewhere in the low-mid twenties
if I'm just sitting in the garden with a drink and a book. I find the
sort of heat we had in August 2003 and July 2006 unpleasant (if
interesting from a record-breaking point of view) but my least favourite
summer weather of all is day after day of grey, uninteresting
nothingness. Shame, really!
Bewdley, Worcs. ~90m asl.
Sort of my summer likes too, except I can stand the heat more, maybe
up to 30C. It's the wet that gets me down in summer. Recently we've
had more than out fair share. 8((
As regards the whole summer; I'd say no-one knows what it will be like
past the middle of next week. Record breaking temperatures could be
experienced, it could be slow-moving lows and record rainfall for the
rest of the summer, or something in-between. That's where medium and
longer-range forecasting is at present. The advances in anything at 10
days, or above, have been dreadfully disappointing, since 25 years
ago, when my interest in the subject really blossomed. In the early
1980s, I honestly thought that forecasting a month ahead, of
forecasting a season ahead, with accuracy, would be fairly routine by
the turn of the century. It just hasn't happened and if you see a
seasonal forecast, or a forecast even 2 weeks ahead, treat it with
total caution! 7-10 days is proving enornously difficult for the MetO
at the moment and I fully understand why. No blame to them at all.
They are at simply at the limits of the presently possible.
This summer reminds me of the summers we used to have in the 1960's.
Changeable but at least we wasn't sweating like mad dogs !
I don't mind the temps up to about 25c.
Perhaps having quantum computers will give the MO computers the
sufficient humph to forecast a month in advance. However, there's
always the chaos theory that may always limit the number of days in to
the future a forecast can be made.
Joe Egginton
175m asl