I remember the last "Hurricane Charley" - the remenants of this storm in
1986 wrecked the late summer Bank Holiday that year.
"Gavin Staples" wrote in message
US Hurricanes
Added [Thursday August 12 2004 : 2:47:28 PM]
It's not usual that we would pay so much attention to movements across the
big pond but two new developments are being closely watched by
meteorologists around the world as Tropical Storm Bonnie is set to make
landfall across Florida late today then more worryingly Hurricane Charley
a Category 3 status hurricane during Saturday. You have to go back to 1906
when Florida last experienced two back to back storms, governer Jeb Bush
already called a state of emergency and evacuation of the pan handle has
Source: Metcheck.
My Comment:
Well, we had our taste of it with masses of rain
from cyclone Alex. It seems that the rest of this summer maybe determined
these storms in one form or another.
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Gavin Staples.
Cambridge, UK.
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