"Keith (Southend)" wrote...
Do you notice Bertha heading towards Greenland, often a track in
that direction seems to encourage high pressure in our region,
whether it just coincidence or not :-) I had a hunch on this a few
days ago grin Cornwall her we come.
.... it ain't over 'til it's over! Bertha has been leading the NHC (and
the various models) a merry dance these past couple of weeks. First it
was going to pass comfortably to the *west* of Bermuda and get swept
up in the mid-latitude flow with all the downstream consequences; then
it was going to pass a decent span to the *east* of Bermuda in a
steady, non-threatening manner. Now, it's coming awfully close to said
island, as a Tropical Storm, and the NHC in their considered /
consensus forecast has it wandering north --- then back south again!
I'm sure it will do the the decent thing and eventually come north
again - but if you've been following the Miami discussions for the
past few days, you'll know that the staff there will be mighty glad to
see the back of this one ;-)
Martin Rowley
West Moors, East Dorset (UK): 17m (56ft) amsl
Lat: 50.82N Long: 01.88W
NGR: SU 082 023