The following are extracted from an article in today's (Friday) "Daily
Mail": ..... I thought it might strike a chord with some here - as it
did me. The full article was written by Barry Norman, on the modern-day
television scene. The problem is, does anyone take any notice, or are
we all to be lumped together as 'boring old fa**s' who have seen better
days? I hope not.
" I regard myself .... as a fairly bright bloke and when I embarked on a
career in TV ... I decided to treat my audience as if it were as bright
as me. It was a philosophy that seemed to work for nigh on 30 years ..."
" Increasingly, and alarmingly, television dumbs down and talks down.
There was a time, and you don't have to be very old to remember this,
when programmes on specialist subjects were presented by people who knew
something about them. Now they tend to be presented by people whose
knowledge consists of what the 18-year old researcher has told them and
who are there simply because they bounce about, grin a lot and look good
on TV. "
" The often maligned Lord Reith believed that television should educate
and inform as well as entertain, but to the present generation of
executives this seems too difficult a concept to grasp. "
" We get the television we deserve and what we are getting today is
c**p - visual and verbal fast food that builds in its consumers not
mental muscle but mental fat. "
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