"Ian Currie" wrote in message
. uk...
I gave a talk on the Weather the other day to a group in Richmond, Surrey
and after a very enthusiastic response with plenty of interest in my
display a lady came up to speak to me. She apparently was responsible for
BBC TV weather in the 70s and 80s.
I said to her well you have seen how enthusiastic the public can be on the
Weather if it is put across in the right way. Yet I said these days in the
media time is cut for the forecast and it is often hurried to make way for
programme trailers etc. She agreed and despaired of the modern trends
brings us back to the initial post re Barry Norman.
On a slightly different point it is amazing that a programme on astronomy
"The Sky at Night" should continue to run after so many years and continue
into this "fast food- flaunt what you have got"- style age yet no
programme exists for meteorology unless you count the daily weather
forecasts. I firmly believe the Weather could be made into one of the
greatest programmes of all if it was done in the right way.
Ian Currie-Coulsdon
Agree entirely. Incidentally I have written to Michael Grade and ordered him
to stop showing all those programme 'adverts' at once. They make me want to
throw an iron bar through the TV.