'The Great Global Warming Swindle' : Ofcom prove themselves NuLabstooges
On Jul 22, 5:21*pm, Dawlish wrote:
On Jul 22, 5:13*pm, "Gaz" wrote:
I feel that the vast majority of climate scientists, including the
IPCC, who believe that GW is probably (not certainly) being caused by
CO2 and with whom I agree, know far more than most of the small
minority with whom you agree. *))
Since when has science been a matter of belief? You are confusing it
with a religion.
We are talking of billions of pounds worth of money here and not a
little of it publically provided and sea chnages in public policy. It
should be underpinned by a bit more than belief.
The truth is that no scientific experiment as ever been undertaken
that shows that any increase in the level of CO2 in the atmosphere
will induce global warming. Until one is the theory of anthropogenic
global warming remains just that, a theory.
Consideration of the spectroscopic properties of CO2 which are well
known would appear to conflict with that theory.