'The Great Global Warming Swindle' : Ofcom prove themselves NuLabstooges
On Jul 22, 5:21 pm, Dawlish wrote:
On Jul 22, 5:13 pm, "Gaz" wrote:
Dawlish wrote:
Oh no! Not the conspracy theory angle!!
The truth is out there........for those that wish to know it.
It's a small minority that wish to know it, however. The science
points to CO2 being the main cause of the warming. Why should there be
a conspiracy theory in believing anything else. It seems like
commonsense to believe that CO2 will probably be proven to be the main
cause of GW and that, as a result, politicians should begin to
organise to take action now.
No. You seem to know very little about the climate, its complexity and our
inability to fully understand it.
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I feel that the vast majority of climate scientists, including the
IPCC, who believe that GW is probably (not certainly) being caused by
CO2 and with whom I agree, know far more than most of the small
minority with whom you agree. *))
Youre a ****ing idiot.