Minimum of 16.6°C here. This makes it the warmest night since September 6th
2006 (17.7°C).
Sunny and breezy this morning, max gust so far is 19 mph so not too windy
yet but it'll probably pick later today as it gets warmer (aided by a sea
So far this summer has been warmer than last year (June 1st - July 23rd):
Min Max Mean
07 11.5C 19.7C 15.6C
08 11.6C 20.0C 15.8C
With a warm end to this month on the cards, this July is looking like it
could end up warmer than average.
(09:40), 21.1°C, RH 64%, DP 13.9°C, 1015.3 hPa (S), Wind 10 mph SE.
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl