August issue of 'Weather'
"JJCMayes1" wrote in message
If it is not giving too much away before next month .... can
someone say
.... is it *all* maxima from Brogdale that are queried, or just
particular event?
Oh thanks Martin! - I'm really going to get into trouble for
spilling these
I am sure that Philip may have something to say about this, but
the Met Office
reply quotes daily temps. for August that show that Faversham was
warm just on the 10th rather than adjacent days.
I should not speak for Stephen without his permission, but
I think I can reasonably say that the need for a detailed
analysis grew out of Stephen's first paper (the one that has
appeared this month) which he kindly sent me draft of
for my comments. Stephen grew uncomfortable with the
Faversham reading as he wrote his paper but didn't
mention it to me. When I saw all the data he had collated
I was astonished at the absence of corroboration from
adjacent stations (I had until that point been entirely
happy to accept the official line ... indeed I had
commended it in my newspaper column).
Therefore the main purpose of the analysis was to try to
determine the representativeness of the single Faversham
maximum on August 10. Naturally this involved looking at
data from many stations over many years, so we made a
few other observations on the data, but only in passing.
I don't think there's much point in saying any more until
people have had a chance to read the analysis in all its
gory detail. I will, of course, be delighted to receive all
intelligent, knowledgeable, reasoned criticism (I'm sure
Stephen will too) ... we've not had any yet, apart of course
from the Editor's input gr
Julian ... I'm devising a punishment ....
Philip Eden