Wokingham thunder
On 28 Jul, 16:57, "Bernard Burton"
Thunder heard at Wokingham, 1549 to 56z, to SW. Thunder and lightning to WSW
at 1645-55z, about 15km distant.
Bernard Burton
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK.
Very close, Bernard - it was here! After a fairly active but mostly
moderate storm 1542-1630z we had another young cell develop close to
the south-east of here. It gave perhaps a dozen very close (within 1
km) CGs, of which five were in the 4 min commencing 1643z. One
terrific rippling crack of thunder at 1645z instantaneous with the
lightning, which I think hit the 35 m spire of St Mary's church 70 m
away. Rainfall heaviest 1600-10, reaching 80 mm/h briefly, total 7.6
mm. Magnificent Cu con to N at 2010 replaced by fantastic lightning
display for some time afterwards. Just off outside to see if it's
still going.
Stephen Burt
Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire