So; into August.
On Jul 30, 12:13*am, "Dave R." wrote:
"Dawlish" wrote in message
summer still slumbers and is not yet dead - but I wouldn't back it's return,
just yet.
Slummer still slumbers? my arse it does. This is plainly riduculous Dawlish
if you are not backing its return just yet, then when are you? You [and all
of us] ain't got much left of summer, once August is out thats it and dont
everyone start on about you can get some decent Septembers I've heard all
that clutching at straws before. What, at 21C mid afternoon? big deal *- ha
thats Autumn or colloquilly known as an 'Indian Summer' not proper summer..
If anyone, including you, can be sure of the NWP output for 10 days
hence, please forecast, as a result of your musings. The summer's
temps (OK, CET) are slightly above average so far. I do hope the "8"
year can be finally put to bed as the statistical aberration that it
is, at the end of August, but that's not knowable!