On Jul 28, 10:45 am, Weatherlawyer wrote:
But of his mighty thunder who can show an understanding?”
Job Chapter 26
Not me. Cyclogenesis defies logic: http://groups.google.com/group/sci.g.../browse_frm/th...
But that won't stop me trying.
If you want to know where a double headed Low comes from, take a look
at this baby. A little slip of a Low sneaked up along the west coast
of Britain via France:
What WILL make it interesting is watching to see if it will pass
straight through the singularity as though they were both a couple of
ocean waves.
Which now I come to think of it, they are. Too bad there isn't going
to be a lot of time to see. New spell on Friday. The USA will be
making a start on it tomorrow, if they have not already opened the