Penzance - A lot more rain overnight.
Well after 22.2mm of rain for the 24 hours ending 09:00 on 30th (very
similar totals over the far SW e.g 21mm at Camborne for 24 hours to
18:00 yesterday), a cloudy day followed with a few spots of rain now &
Last night was seriously wet, with another 33.1mm by 09:00 this
morning, the large part of which fell (certainly 25mm) in 4 hours
from 22:00 yesterday. Now the next wave on the front is bringing more
very heavy rain. It will be interesting to see what the 3 day total
turns out to be.
Luckily the period from 10th-27th saw just 4.8mm, so the rivers were
low & the ground very dry prior to the deluge.