Here are the reports for July 2008 for the Copley sites.
(Averages refer to 1971-2000)
Cloudy, warm and wet.
Copley Lead Mill 218metres asl
Temperature °C
Mean maximum 19.4 High 25.5 on 27th Low 12.0 on 11th
Mean minimum 9.7 Low 5.1 on 20th High 15.0 on 15th
Mean screen 14.5
Air frost 0
Days snow lying 50% 09Z 0
Max depth 09Z 0cm on 00th
Copley Met O site 253metres asl
Temperature °C
Mean maximum 19.5 (+0.5) High 27.1 on 27th Low 11.6 on 11th
Mean minimum 10.6 (+0.9) Low 5.4 on 20th High 15.2 on 15th
Mean screen 15.1 (+0.7)
Mean AWS(Davis) 14.3
Mean grass minimum 6.7 (-0.4) Low 1.3 on 20th
Air frost 0 (0)
Ground frost 0 (-1)
Rainfall mm
Total 134.0 (223%) High 29.0 on 09th
Total AWS(Davis) 129.0
Rain days 20 (+4)
Wet days 11 (+1)
Hail 1 (0)
Thunder 2 (+1)
Snow cm
Days falling 0 (0)
Days lying 50% 09Z 0 (0)
Fresh falls 09Z 0cm (0)
Max depth 09Z 0cm on 00th
Sunshine hr (R&D recorder)
Total 162.1 (93%) High 13.9 on 21st
Days no sun 2 (0)
Fog 09Z 1 (+1)
Wind mph (Davis recorder)
Mean SW 6.9 (-0.4) High gust 38 on 16th
Gale days 0 (0)
Mean barometer (Kestrel recorder) 1012mb (-4)
Best wishes,
Copley, nr Barnard Castle, Teesdale, County Durham