[WR] Thunderstorm Leeds
BrianT wrote:
19:10 - Thunderstorm approaching Leeds from SSW, moving NE. Now very black
skies to SW and 6 distant rumbles of thunder. Temp 20C, Calm.
Had short thundery shower at 2:30pm with torrential rain.
Hi Brian,
nothing here in Xgates tonight. I only recorded 3mm of rain
all day here. We went out at about 6.45pm and drove down Foundry Lane to
Oakwood, and saw that it had rained a lot there as there was water
running down the road. Came back home at about 8.30pm, and still only a
few drops of rain here.
There was a shower at Seacroft at about 2.30/3pm but again nothing much
Bob H
Leeds UK