Bewdly squall
Terry Holmes wrote:
This storm was occurring about 15 miles to the SW of here at this time and
since 5:45pm I've been watching an interesting scallop-shaped anvil of a Cb
gradually climb higher in the SW to cover most of the sky as it moved NE. It
became v dull Ns across the S with pretty active but rather distant TL until
6:25pm. The main centre of the storm was always to the S of here with only
light rain for fifteen minutes. Brightening now.
Terry, Tipton,W.Mids 145M
I wasn't seeing things then ! When I came out of work at 18.10 at
Bentley, Walsall, I thought I saw lightning while driving to
Wednesfield. At Wednesfield noticed a good CB, it looked like a
mushroom cloud over towards Dudley.
Joe Egginton
175m asl