Ranked sunniest months 2008 to date - August just surpassingJanuary
On 26 Aug, 21:23, wrote:
To date, my August sunshine total has still to break 100 hours. Here's
the sunshine ranking of the months of 2008 to date, with August being
the first 26 days only:
204.8 h - June
186.2 h - May
184.7 h - July
157.3 h - April
145.0 h - February
107.1 h - March
*96.6 h - August (to 26th incl)
*73.7 h - January
So August has romped past January's total, still has some way to go to
reach March, and with 5 days to go, needs to average just under 10 h
daily even to equal February's total!
The August low record, 117 hours in 1968 (70 years' records for
Reading area), is looking vulnerable - needs just over 4 h per day to
make that.
Total 2008 to date 1155 h: in 2003 to end-August we'd had 1406 h, a
difference of just over an hour per day - every day.
Hi, Stephen,
Just 78.5hr (48%) so far here. Eskdalemuir 38.6hr(28%) so far
according to Roger Brugge's site!
I wonder if we will manage 100 hours by 31st? The only Augusts with
100hr at the University Observatory (Durham) were 1896, 97.1hr. 1939,
96.0hr, 1942, 95.6hr and the appalling 1912, 56.8hr.
I seem to recall reading that the whole poor summer of 1912 was due to
volcanic dust in the atmosphere following the eruption of Novarupta in
Alaska. The weather for that summer was unbelievably cold, dull and
Copley, Teesdale