Ranked sunniest months 2008 to date - August just surpassingJanuary
On 26 Aug, 21:23, wrote:
To date, my August sunshine total has still to break 100 hours. Here's
the sunshine ranking of the months of 2008 to date, with August being
the first 26 days only:
204.8 h - June
186.2 h - May
184.7 h - July
157.3 h - April
145.0 h - February
107.1 h - March
*96.6 h - August (to 26th incl)
*73.7 h - January
So August has romped past January's total, still has some way to go to
reach March, and with 5 days to go, needs to average just under 10 h
daily even to equal February's total!
The August low record, 117 hours in 1968 (70 years' records for
Reading area), is looking vulnerable - needs just over 4 h per day to
make that.
Total 2008 to date 1155 h: in 2003 to end-August we'd had 1406 h, a
difference of just over an hour per day - every day.
Stephen Burt
Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire
Nil sunshine again today. So with 12.0 h sunshine only just possible
in the closing days of August at this latitude, if the next four days
see unbroken sunshine then August will equal February's total.
Personally, I don't rate the odds!
Stephen Burt
Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire