Keep Your Winter Woolies Handy: Sunspots May Vanish By 2015
On Aug 30, 7:37 pm, Bill Ward wrote:
On Sat, 30 Aug 2008 08:26:17 -0700, John M. wrote:
On Aug 29, 10:22 pm, Bill Ward wrote:
On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 17:42:08 +0000, William Asher wrote:
snip purely to annoy John
But, like all skeptics, especially the ones on the internet, your
science skills are weak to nonexistent so that, like your pal Capt.
Smith, you believe any little idea that someone feeds you, or pops
into your head, regardless of whether it makes physical sense.
I'm sorry your dislike for me keeps you from understanding how the
atmosphere really works, but then, it's more amusing for me this way,
so I'm not really complaining.
Back to the bad-ass persona already? I think you're just a pussycat
with an image problem.
Haha. BW described BA as a real gentleman as I recall. Now he's slagging
him off (or is this perhaps one of those forged posts.)
No, I think he's a gentleman at heart who for some reason puts on a
bad-ass persona. I'm encouraging him to drop the act and enjoy life.
As for you, I'm not so sure it's an act...
I never claimed to be acting, so now you can be sure I mean what I
say. When I say you're a pillock, that's because you are, indeed, a