[OBS] Romsey - Sunday 31st August 2008
Other than a slither of blue to the extreme southeast,
the sky is cloaked in rather bland medium level cloud,
lacking the dark bases and tall turrets seen pre-0900Z.
Outbreaks of mainly slight rain this morning with a short
moderate burst around 0630Z, yielding just 0.6mm.
Fog patches to our northwest lifted into Stratus by
0830Z but the mist remains. Wind all over the shop
this morning but now settling to a northwesterly point.
Muggy. Current conditions:
SYNOP 31/1150Z
03/// 11345 73104 10179 20169 40095 56010 69961
72164 8257/ 333 81706 85359 87362=
EG// 311150Z 31004KT 4500 BR FEW006 BKN090
BKN120 18/17 Q//// GRN=
Brief details:
wind... NW, force 2.
visibility... 4500m.
weather... cloudy and misty (last raindrops 1055Z).
dry bulb... +17.9C.
dewpoint... +16.9C.
RH... 94%.
rainfall last hour... trace.
rainfall since 0600Z... 0.6mm.
beaufort letters (1050-1150Z)... cirom,cm.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)