[OBS] Romsey - Sunday 31st August 2008
Fascinating but not spectacular weather for a while this
afternoon. Near day darkness around 1420Z brought
the onset of... moderate drizzle! The vis plummeted to
just above fog limits. Out of a wodge of low Stratus,
these very fine water droplets were definitely blowing
from the northwest, immediately followed by a 2-minute
downpour of very large raindrops from the south, due
to embedded convection I would guess (probably the
real reason for the near day darkness).
SYNOP 31/1150Z
03/// 11345 73104 10179 20169 40095 56010 69961
72164 8257/ 333 81706 85359 87362=
SYNOP 31/1750Z
03/// 11462 72710 10162 20147 40100 52010 60052
72165 875// 333 10199 82710 85625 87650=
EG// 311750Z 27010KT 9999 FEW010 BKN025
BKN050 16/15 Q//// RERA BLU=
Brief details:
wind... W, force 3.
visibility... 12km.
weather... cloudy (last raindrops 1700Z).
dry bulb... +16.2C.
dewpoint... +14.7C.
RH... 91%.
max temp today... +19.9C.
rainfall last hour... 0.2mm.
rainfall since 0600Z... 5.0mm.
beaufort letters (1650-1750Z)... cr,cro,c.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)