[OBS] Romsey - Friday 5th September 2008
The amorphous canopy of Nimbostratus has returned,
producing continuous rain once again, following an
afternoon of sunny intervals and showers.
Torrential rain 1630-1642Z.
03/// 11359 81516 10149 20136 49895 57030 60071
76266 8772/ 333 85707 87710 88556 91026 90710
03/// 11350 81610 10154 20138 49855 58025 60152
76386 8672/ 333 10170 82706 85712 88550=
EG// 051750Z 16010KT 5000 RA FEW006 BKN012
OVC050 15/14 Q//// GRN=
wind... SSE, force 3.
visibility... 5000m.
weather... moderate rain, continuous.
clouds... 2/8 ST base 600ft, 5/8 ST base 1200ft,
8/8 NS base 5000ft.
dry bulb... +15.4C.
dewpoint... +13.8C.
RH... 90%.
sea level pressure... 985.5mb (falling).
rainfall last hour... 1.7mm.
rainfall since 0600Z... 15.1mm.
beaufort letters (1650-1750Z)... cr,cro,cr.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)