Here are the final figures for the summer, from the MetO.
Min temps were higher than max temps in all areas, probably helping to
explain why it felt cooler. Most areas South-West of a line from the
Thames to the Solway Firth had average to slightly below average
temps. Other areas to the NE had a little above average temperatures
for the summer.
Rainfall varied widely; the far NW of Scotland was drier than average.
Most areas were wetter, except for an arc from the Wirral, through the
East Midlands and on through East London to the SE coast where
rainfall was about average. Many areas were significantly wetter than
Sunshine has been the killer, having been below average in all areas
except the far North of Scotland. If you could see the map, of course!
West London had average temps and slightly above average rainfall and
below average sunshine.
Michael Fish apparently said "I've been forecasting for 40 years and
this UK summer was about as average as you can get". Others might
disagree, but so much of what people remember previous summers to be
is often inaccurate. London, this year, with the news constantly
complaining about such an awful summer, would be a case in point and
the lack of sunshine is probably weighing on that judgement. People
are comparing to good, sunny, warm, summers in the past summers,
filtering the average and poorer ones from their memories and also
factoring in news pictures of flooding in other areas, which have
nothing to do with the weather they've actually experienced. Memories
of summers long gone really are a very poor method of judging the
quality of this summer just past.
I feel it's been a little cooler in the daytime and definitely wetter
in the SW and the figures would back that up, but the lack of a warm,
dry and sunny spell has left me feeling disappointed. I've only got 10
summers to base that on though!
The place to have been would have been the far North of Scotland -
closer to the Northern blocking which left most of us at the mercy of
Atlantic depressions for much of the summer!