Gravesend microclimate?
wrote in message
Could it be one of those deliberate "enhancements"? After all, I
doubt that Gravesend has much going for it (what an unfortunate name
in any case) so the locals might want to make the most of what they do
I am reminded of the (perhaps apocryphal) story that at Eastbourne the
sunshine recorder used to be right on the seafront where it could
catch the very earliest and the very last rays of the sun and so
apparently give Eastbourne more sun than neighbouring resorts.
So perhaps Gravesend might have more than one recording station, the
official one and the publicity one.
As someone who grew up in Gravesend (and who never though twice about the
name of the town) I am aware of the good and bad points of the town.
Certainly a wonderfully busy waterfront when the P&O liners used to depart
from Tilbury and the arriving ships took on board the river pilots from
their base in the town. And, when I was young, the flotillas of sailing
barges plying their wares along the coast.
However, the weather station is nowhere near Gravesend - from memory it is
located in Swanscombe Marshes, near where Eurostar trains now enter the
tunnel which takes them under the Thames.