As of the 20th I'm currently running at a mean of -0.6°C for the month
and after seeing the farming forecast of cool easterlies I see no sign
of this mean anomaly going up.
August 2008 mean ended up -0.2°C down
July 2008 mean ended up 0.0°C (Average)
June 2008 mean ended up +0.3°C up
May 2008 mean ended up +1.2°C higher
Do I see a trend emerging here ?
At this rate the winter months would be more the -1.0°C below the
mean, but I'm sure October will see a reverse in this trend. However,
from a local perspective I can see how one could become a skeptic as
far as GW is concerned as warm weather has just been a thing of dreams
for the UK this year. But one can't ignore the Arctic ice melt and
what effect this is having in the large scheme of things. Uncharted
waters? I will be watching closely how things cool around the northern
hemisphere over the coming months.
Keith (Southend)
e-mail kreh at southendweather dot net