As of the 20th I'm currently running at a mean of -0.6°C for the month
and after seeing the farming forecast of cool easterlies I see no sign
of this mean anomaly going up.
August 2008 mean ended up -0.2°C down
July 2008 mean ended up 0.0°C (Average)
June 2008 mean ended up +0.3°C up
May 2008 mean ended up +1.2°C higher
Do I see a trend emerging here ?
Keith (Southend)
e-mail kreh at southendweather dot net
Last 4 months in Penzance.
September -0.3
August -0.1
July -0.5
June 0.0
It's a long time since I've had 4 consecutive months without 1 being
warmer than the 1971-2000 norm
(A real contrast to the 21st Century so far)