[OBS] Romsey - Sunday 5th October 2008
At 0600Z today, the air temperature stood at +15.5C,
the highest of the month so far and would be quite high
at 0600Z on a July morning. At 0600Z yesterday, we
had a ground frost with the air temperature at +2.8C.
Stepping outside, the relative warmth is palpable as
ex-T/S "Laura" passes close by. Current weather:
SYNOP 05/0850Z
03/// 41230 82115 10154 20147 49940 57030 76566
8772/ 333 84705 87708 88530 90710 91128=
EG// 050850Z 21015KT 3000 +RA SCT005 BKN008
OVC030 15/15 Q//// YLO1=
wind... SW by S, force 4 (slight decrease in past hour).
visibility... 3000m.
weather... continuous rain, heavy.
clouds... lowest at 500ft with NS through the ST gaps.
dry bulb... +15.4C.
dewpoint... +14.7C.
RH... 96%.
sea level pressure... 994.0mb (falling).
rainfall last hour... 4.2mm.
24-hour rainfall (04/0900-05/0900Z)... 19.7mm.
beaufort letters (0750-0850Z)... cr,cR,cr,cR.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)