Here is a list of the tabs I have open in Opera. It is by no means all
of them but they are the ones I have to check out to get some idea
what I should have been saying rather than what I actually have said:
Useful mix of satellite and synoptics.
Russian chart giving 48 hours a 12 hour update on Moscow time is
rather sporadic.
A collection of charts and info that gives a british source for
British synoptic charts. I find it updates more often than
Two excellent Canadian charts. Pity they are just one a day though you
can get a later version of them if you look. I wonder what it would
cost to update it automatically?
This is an undoctored modelk run. You can get a much longer loop you
need to get into the site through a different page at first but once
oyu have their cookies you can carry on as normal.
The graphic on here shows that earthquakes are clusters that occur
geometrically rather than due to loading.
This will give the tornadic activity. It has been so quiet on there
over the last few weeks I stopped looking. When I see Chuina is active
seismically I look and see some action. (The last couple of days for
Thes two are excellent for following tropical storms.
This is something that gives a good overview once a week. Volcanoes re
very much the poor relation of earth science.
Lunar phases.
I have to put " " in front of them to prevent Google munging html
links. If I don't the links tend to buch up and appear as one
The Atlantic chart shows that the lows are going over Iceland for this
spell. A return to the Davis Strait route?
A look at the MetO charts for the September 15th to 22nd spell shows
this is definitely a mark of the beast. Let's take a look at how the
spells repeat:
15th September @ 09:13
22nd September @ 05:04
29th September @ 08:12
7th October @ 09:04
14thOctober @ 20:03
the 05:04 phase was exactly the same as the 09:13 spell. So we can
lump all three together:
15th September @ 09:13
22nd September @ 05:04
7th October @ 09:04
And the next pair are similar in their relationship. Some difference
in the tectonic and meteorological storms but the intensities are
similar. Just placing them is a PITA.
14thOctober @ 20:0329th September @ 08:12