October snowfall in the Midlands
On 10 Oct, 18:12, Steve J wrote:
Believe it or not, we recorded the earliest ever autumn/winter snow in
Coventry on the 11th of October in 1896!
The last time there was any October snow in our region was back in
1941, though snow has only fallen locally during October on five
occasions since records were first available in the city in 1892 -
these were in 1892 (two days), 1895, 1896 1934 and 1941.
Thank goodness for climate change!
Steve Jackson
Bablake Weather Station
Coventry UKwww.bablakeweather.co.uk
Steve - while observing at Long Lawford, Warwickshire (about 20 km
east of your site) from 1970 to 1977, I noted sleet or snow twice in
October, both in 1974. The first was early on the morning of 7
October, when there was a brief sleet shower following a cold night:
the second was on the 30th, when I distinctly recall 2-3 hours of fine
white snowfall during the afternoon. The day's max on the latter
occasion was just 5.7°C (with a min the following night of -5.2°C).
I don't know which Coventry site records you use for 1974, but I would
be surprised if the latter occasion was missed even on a city-centre
record, as I recall it was widely commented upon in the local
press ...
Stephen Burt
Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire