Vandalised weather station
On Sat, 21 Aug 2004 20:39:15 +0100, "Peter Hearnden"
That's a bit of an apples and oranges comparison, or is it swallows and
Whatever, little rotters, I'd take awy something precious to them from
them - binge drinking perhaps....
Take away their mobile phones and they would surely wither away.
"Gavin Staples" wrote in message
How can anyone claim with justification that education standards are
If all they can do these days is smash everything up.
I have had some of this a few months ago when some intellectuals broke
into the gardening shed at the back of my office, snapped the garden tools
and then threw them round the car park, and then took the light bulb out
the shed and smashed it. Yet this year A level pass rates were 96
"JPG" wrote in message
On Sat, 21 Aug 2004 13:43:05 +0100, "Keith (Southend)"
May they rot in hell !
That's too good for them.
My father told me about a small weather station in a public park in
Gloucester (the Lannet) that stood there for about 20 years before the
war, unprotected and complete with unlocked Stephenson screen, rain
gauge, state of ground bare patch, Besson comb nephoscope the lot. It
was untouched for all this time, not even any suspicious yellow rain,
and removed in the 50s when the vandalism seemed to start.
How times change - if anything stands still for any length of time
these days it will either be trashed or have grafitti sprayed all over
it. The more inaccessible the better, it seems.